Proper vehicle maintenance throughout the years is extremely important for keeping vehicles in condition. By maintenance, we don’t just mean your car services. We also mean that general vehicle care is important to help keep a car in great condition. Car treatments such as cleaning services, oil treatments, and proper cleaning are all very important for keeping a vehicle’s interior fabrics and exterior paint in great shape. Without these treatments, any car will quickly become worse for wear.

If your car is looking a bit dull and tattered then perhaps it is time for you to sharpen up your care routine. A little bit of TLC can do wonders for the look of your old car and could just make it look much newer. Here are a few great ways to make an old car look better and newer.

 01. Give Your Car a Good Wash

A layer of dust and lots of dirt can make your car look much worse than it actually is. One of the first and best ways to revive the look of your old car is by giving it a proper wash. This is also the number one strategy if you want to fetch a higher price when selling your car. Vehicles that are properly cleaned look newer and give the illusion that the car was properly maintained. 

 02. Detail Your Car’s Interior

While you are cleaning your car, you should also detail the interior. Properly vacuuming the carpets and washing down all leather, faux leather, or plastics inside your car will make a huge difference in the look and feel of your car. You should also remember to treat plastics and leathers with proper furniture or auto spray. This can revive the colour of plastics and will reduce fading spots.

 03. Touch Up Scratches

Over the years, your car will get plenty of scratches while standing in parking lots or driving it on the open roads. Lots of scratch marks can make your vehicle look worn down even though it could still be mechanically sound. A good way to revive your old car is by patching up old scratches with sealants. You should also try to get other flaws like dents and rust spots treated so your car will look better.

 04. Polish Your Car

If your car still isn’t looking too good then it is time to consider a good polish. A good buff and polish can help cover up some scratches and stains and will revive the color of the paint. Your vehicle will also be much shinier.

 05. Replace Old Parts

Old, tattered, and broken parts should be replaced because they won’t just affect fuel efficiency but will also make your car look worn down. Upgrades like a new windscreen, new mirrors, new wipers, new tyres, and others can drastically improve the condition of your vehicle.

 06. Add A Few Upgrades

Adding a few upgrades such as new rims, a nice roof rack, new seat covers, and other accessories is like giving your car a mini-facelift. This is also a good way to make your car look fresher or more interesting.

 If all of these upgrades and improvements still didn’t do the trick and if you are still feeling ashamed of your old car then perhaps it is time to sell it so you can move on to something better. At All Cars for Cash, you can sell your car virtually overnight and you can get a good price for your old vehicle even if you didn’t do any of the upgrades or improvements mentioned here because this company accepts all vehicles as is.